High Level Conference on Business and Biodiversity
High Level Conference on Business & Biodiversity. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. 12,13 November 2007. Lisbon Portugal.In 2000, in Lisbon, the EU Heads of State and Government agreed to make the EU “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-driven economy by 2010”. In 2001, the EU further committed to “halting biodiversity decline by 2010”. In 2006, the European Commission launched a biodiversity communication, which included a commitment to engage the private sector in partnerships for biodiversity. Now, in 2007, under the Portuguese Presidency, business leaders, biodiversity experts, NGOs and policy makers, will return to Lisbon to explore how European business can improve its competitiveness whilst halting biodiversity loss. The conference will contribute to an improved understanding of the competitive advantages gained from preserving biodiversity. It will also provide guidance to the European Commis-sion’s initiative on Business and Biodiversity. In November, in Lisbon, the European 2010 agenda for Business and Biodiversity will be established. > Continue.
Conference: Contribution by Covalence | Country: Global | Source: Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council and European Commission