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Zimbabwe: WPP doing business with Mugabe

080621_wppjopg.jpgMany of these businesses that are household names around the world have used shell companies, proxies and other means to keep the world from knowing that their activities are propping up one of the world’s most vile and violent dictators. ZimDaily has learnt that Mugabe’s sleek election campaign is being handled by the advertising firm Imago Y & R which is part of Sir Martin Sorrell’s WPP’s Y&R advertising agency network. The chief executive and majority shareholder Sharon Mugabe (according to our sources, a niece of the ill-fated President of Zimbabwe), has been credited with developing Mr Mugabe’s campaign and providing “a velvet glove over the iron fist”. Most of these corporate leaders sit in their company headquarters in London, New York, Los Angeles and Munich, watching the share-price while preaching the doctrine of “Corporate Social Responsibility”. In truth, they are complicit with Robert Mugabe in raping Zimbabwe. Image Source: > Continue.

News selected by Covalence | Country: Zimbabwe, USA, UK, Germany | Company: WPP | Source: The Zim Daily

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