While electronic waste continues to pile up at an increasingly rapid pace, leading IT firms such as Hewlett-Packard are finding being green and promoting corporate social responsibility can actually increase operational efficiency in China. Rather than developing a program to merely address a trendy corporate issue, the company has a track record of tackling these tough issues in a way that makes good business sense. In addition to the vast amounts of electronic waste that is being discarded domestically and streaming in from overseas, the pace of such waste is rapidly growing in China. It is the swift growth of Information and Communications Technology goods sales in China and the rapid pace of changing technology that conspire together to dramatically increase the volume of the e-waste problem. Such rapid ICT sales growth can be seen when, according to The Seattle Times, 20 million computers were sold in China in 2005 and by the end of 2007 the number of units is expected to be 30 million.(..) In China, where HP has over 5,000 employees, the company has recently launched a first-of-its-kind public and private sector collaboration called the Cartridges for Dragon Recycling program. This program reportedly aims to provide simple and environmentally friendly methods to collect used HP printer supplies to prevent inappropriate disposal methods, which may impact the environment. In cooperation with non-governmental organizations, the program reaches out to community groups through activities that increase the audience’s awareness of recycling efforts for both printer supplies and computer hardware. Altogether, HP says it has engaged 14 government offices, 15 communities, 13 public areas, and more than 40 schools and 20,000 students in the program since February of 2005. Image source: edcnews.se. > Continue.
News selected by Covalence | Country: China | Company: Hewlett-Packard | Source: ChinaCSR.com