LONDON – Every business likes a bit of eco-friendliness to improve its public image, particularly if it comes with a celebrity endorsement. But British supermarket chain Tesco’s public spat with ethical clothing designer Katharine Hamnett–famous for her 1980s sloganeering T-shirts that screamed “Choose Life” and “Relax”–should serve as a warning to all those who expect a free ride from the green brigade after signing a few checks. Tesco (other-otc: TSCDF – news – people ) launched an organic clothing range designed by Hamnett in April under the name “Choose Love,” selling the ethically sourced cotton apparel at 40 of its U.K. stores. But Hamnett lately has seemed less than convinced about Tesco’s commitment to the environment, telling the media that she could pull out of the arrangement. “There is no question that Tesco is not committed to growing its ethical and environmental sector,” said Hamnett on Monday. She acknowledged that the supermarket chain planned to pack 5 million organic and Fair Trade units into stores in 2008, but added: “What I would like to see is Tesco show more commitment to the Choose Love range … if this does not happen we will not be renewing our new contract in late 2008.” Image source: > Continue.
News selected by Covalence | Country: India, Bangladesh| Company: Tesco, Whole Foods | Source: Forbes.com