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Activists Protest Olympics Sponsors

080623_cocacola.jpgAs the Beijing Olympics grow closer, calls for human rights grow louder. On Friday, activists gathered with signs and megaphones to protest Coca-Cola, one of the sponsors of the Beijing Olympics, for failing to address China’s ties with the genocide in Sudan, Darfur.  The protest was held outside the Coca-Cola headquarters on Fifth Ave. in Manhattan. According to organizers, similar protests took place across the nation against such Olympics sponsors as Swatch, Volkswagen, and General Electric.  The protest focused on the fact that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) not only provides weapons to the Sudanese government, but is also Sudan’s main financial advisor, and advocates for them in the United Nations Security Council. China has leverage over the government of Sudan, which it can use to possibly end the genocide in Darfur, protesters argue. Image Source:  > Continue.

News selected by Covalence | Country: USA | Company: Coca-Cola Company, Swatch, Volkswagen, General Electric | Source: Epoch Times

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