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World’s most ethical insurance company named

080723_allianz.jpgThe Ethisphere second annual “World’s Most Ethical Companies” list has named Allianz as the “Most Ethical Insurance Company”.Alexander Brigham, executive director of Ethisphere Institute, said “we applaud Allianz. The Allianz Group is among the companies honoured this year because they have developed impressive and meaningful ethical business practices, making them true standouts within their industry.”They go well beyond legal minimums, opting instead to bring about innovative ideas that contribute to the public well being. By their actions, they are forcing their competitors to follow suit (or fall behind) and truly embodying the notion that ethical business practices are more profitable in the long run.”In compiling the list, analysts reviewed more than 10,000 of the worlds leading companies taking into account their codes of ethics, investment in sustainable business practices, regulatory compliance histories and feedback from suppliers, customers and peers. Image source : Mediassur. com. > Continue .

News selected by Covalence | Country: Global | Company: Allianz | Source: The industry


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