Chinese Oil Giant Accused of Human Rights Abuses in Burma
More evidence has emerged of the steamrollering effect of China’s tightening grip on the economic life of Burma. A watchdog report alleging land theft and intimidation of local people by a major Chinese corporation comes on top of a report by an international human rights agency expressing concern at China’s growing control over Burma’s natural resources. The latest report accuses the Beijing state-owned China National Oil Corporation (CNOOC) of human rights abuses and land theft in an oil prospecting venture on isolated Ramree Island in western Arakan State. The accusations this week by Arakan Oil Watch (AOW) come less than a month after the US-based EarthRights International (ERI) expressed concern about China’s increasing grip on Burma’s natural resources. Both reports cite the west coast Arakan region as particularly exposed to Chinese corporate control and influence, which they say is treading on local peoples’ rights. AOW accuses the CNOOC of a raft of abuses, ranging from land seizure to wanton pollution of rice fields and water systems with oil waste. Image sourcew: > Continue.
News selected by Covalence | Country: Burma | Company: CNOOC | Source: The Irrawaddy