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Les actions éthiques suisses frappent fort

Durant le mois d’avril la réputation éthique agrégée des entreprises suisses a bénéficié d’opinions majoritairement favorables en provenance d’Allemagne et d’Espagne, alors que les USA, la France, la Suisse elle-màªme et la Grande Bretagne se montraient plus critiques. Parmi les…


H&M, others back new Bangladesh factory safety accord

The world's two biggest fashion retailers, Inditex and H&M, along with several other companies have backed an accord aimed at preventing another disaster like last month's Bangladesh factory building collapse that killed more than 1,100 people. The agreement on fire…


Adidas Encourages Factory Workers To Anonymously Text Complaints

German sports gear maker Adidas said Monday it is encouraging workers in factories of some of its Asian suppliers to anonymously share possible grievances directly with the company via text message. The new hotline service will help bridge the communication…


Toyota’s hybrid vehicle sales pass 5 million

Toyota's global sales of gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles have surpassed 5 million in a milestone for a technology that was initially greeted with skepticism. The Japanese automaker, which said Wednesday it had sold 5.125 million hybrid vehicles as of the end…


ThyssenKrupp Offers Amnesty in Anti-corruption Drive

Heavy industry giant ThyssenKrupp (IW1000/75), rocked by a slew of corruption scandals, said Tuesday it will not prosecute or fire employees involved in any wrongdoing if they cooperate in uncovering the malpractices. "For employees who disclose compliance matters voluntarily, truthfully…


Inrate and Covalence to enter strategic collaboration

Zurich and Geneva, April 9th 2013 — Swiss agencies Inrate and Covalence announce their strategic collaboration in the field of environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis of stock-quoted companies. The cooperation gives Inrate access to up-to-date research on controversial issues…


Inrate et Covalence établissent une collaboration stratégique

Zurich et Genève, 9 avril 2013 — Les agences suisses Inrate et Covalence annoncent leur collaboration stratégique dans le domaine de l’analyse environnement, social et gouvernance (ESG) des sociétés cotées. Cette coopération permet à  Inrate de bénéficier d’un service de…


“Ruggie Rules” detail corporate behavior abroad

Of all the challenges posed by globalization, regulating abusive corporate practices has long been particularly difficult. From Asian sweatshops supplying brands like Nike and Apple, to the oil giant Shell polluting and abetting violence in Nigeria, recent decades have been…

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