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Deeper Luxury by WWF…What are you made of?

Les marques de luxes peuvent-elles àªtre «éthiques» ? Le respect de l’environnement (production, protection de la faune et de la flore), le comportement social de certaines maisons de luxe ont été passés aux cribles. Le rapport de la WWF (UK),…


WWF’s Talking Polar Bears, Leopards, Monkeys, and Luxury Goods

As Hollywood goes green, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) goes Hollywood — or not. This Friday’s release of New Line Cinema’s The Golden Compass, a fantasy adventure film starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig, forges a "very organic partnership" with…


Is Your Favorite Luxury Brand Unethical?

When you buy expensive luxury items are you helping to kill the planet? Depending on your favorite brands you just might be. In a recent study done for WWF it came to light that many luxury brands are making use…


Students rally for migrant wages

A crowd of about 40 gathered at the Fieldhouse Mall Friday despite freezing temperatures to listen to speakers talk about the plight of migrant tomato farmers in Florida and fight to end sub-poverty level wages. Literature distributed at the rally…


Les groupes de luxe mal notés sur le plan éthique

Dix groupes de luxe mondiaux classés de A+ (meilleure note) à  F (la moins bonne) par le WWF réalisent un score médiocre en matière de développement durable. Swatch (UHR.VX) Group et Richemont (CFR.VX) obtiennent un «D», pénalisés par le peu…


Covalence and Thomson Financial sign broker contributor agreement

Thomson Financial and Covalence have signed a Broker Contribution Agreement by which Covalence products are made available on Thomson Financial platform. This agreement allows Covalence to distribute its reputation research, news and data to Thomson clients worldwide. Publication: Covalence Announcement…


Tod’s e Bulgari i cattivi del lusso

Tod's ultimo, Bulgari penultimo. Non fanno una bella figura, i marchi del lusso italiano, nella classifica dei «ricchi ma buoni» redatta dal Rapporto del Wwf inglese pubblicato ieri. Il Rapporto, intitolato «Deeper luxury», passa al microscopio i dieci maggiori brand…


Luxury brands unconcerned ?

An article on the entitled "Luxury brands fails to make ethical grade" relates a report issued by the UK branch of WWF that Luxury brands do not really care about corporate social responsibility, ethics and the environment. The report,…

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