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Group Gives Low Sustainability Scores to Tiffany, PPR, Richemont, Bulgari

London-based WWF, a group that works towards ending environmental and social degradation, rated a number of luxury brands for sustianable practices that go beyond corporate responsibility. WFF released its first report called Deeper Luxury, in which authors examined environmental and…


Luxury brands fail to make ethical grade

Some of the world's biggest luxury conglomerates have failed to make the grade in a ranking of ethical and environmental performance. A report released today by the WWF, the conservation group, entitled "Deeper Luxury", gives Bulgari and Tod's, the Italian…


Luxehuizen hebben lak aan MVO

Sommige van 's werelds belangrijkste luxehuizen zijn gezakt voor een examen in ethisch en maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen, dat werd afgenomen door het WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Bedrijven als Bulgari en Tod's krijgen een F mee op de schaal van A+…


Luxury brands criticised by WWF

WWF's Deeper Luxury report looked at 10 holding companies for luxury brands, including LVMH, PPR, Richemont and Tod's, and ranked them according to their ethical policies. Few companies fared well in the report, with Hermes and LVMH, which owns Louis…


LVMH scores highly in luxury green survey

French premium goods firm LVMH, owner of Moà«t Hennessy, has come third in a scoring of the world’s luxury companies, based on green credentials. The report released by conservation group WWF places LVMH just behind L’Oréal and Hermès in a…


Luxury labels make dirty goods, claims green charity

A luxury brand of shoes and handbags promoted by the actress Sienna Miller was criticised yesterday in a report published by the conservation charity WWF-UK. The brand - Tod’s - came bottom of the charity’s ranking of 10 luxury groups…


Afrique: A quoi ressembleront les agrocarburants du point de vue écologique ?

L’essence d’origine végétale peut-elle sauver le climat des pays africains, notamment l’Ethiopie, le Bénin, la Tanzanie, Ouganda, Ghana, Zambie qui ont accepté d’ouvrir les grandes espaces aux multinationales pour la culture des biocarburants dont la demande d’agro-diesel et d’agro-éthanol à …


Amérique Latine: Quand l’essence verte devient rouge

Une foràªt pluviale amazonienne compte en ce moment 17 000 foyers d’incendies. Le défrichage par le feu fait progresser l’extension des surfaces agricoles consacrées au Soja, à  la canne à  sucre, huile de palme ou aux paturages excessifs. Les champions…

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