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M&S flower power & plastic bags & training

While I am on the subject of plastic bags, I would like to name and shame Marks and Spencer. My mother is ill so when I visited last weekend I went to buy some flowers. The flowers were pre-wrapped in…


Réputation des entreprises et réchauffement climatique

En matière de réchauffement climatique, l’industrie pétrolière est sans surprise la première montrée du doigt. Le produit final et le processus de production sont jugés polluants par un grand nombre d’observateurs. Leader du secteur, l’américain ExxonMobil est la principale cible…


Eco-Jewelry: Green Sustainable Gold & Ethical Diamonds

In our last post, Jewelry: the Troubles with Baubles, we explored the ocean of ethical, social and environmental troubles that are swamping conventional gold and diamond jewelry. In this post we turn our attention to the more sustainable solutions and…


Towards Eco-Innovative Products

Since I have started my internship at the Covalence I have come closer to different multinational companies (MC), their activities around the world. During the period of my work I came across with a lot of good and bad (ethical…


Big food companies accused of risking climate catastrophe

The rush to palm oil and biofuels threatens to release 14 billion tonnes of carbon from Indonesia’s peatlands Many of the largest food and fuel companies risk climate change disaster by driving the demand for palm oil and biofuels grown…


Swiss Banks, AIG Probed By Brazil Police

Police detained 19 people Tuesday for allegedly taking part in a scheme to help large Brazilian companies evade taxes by laundering money through Swiss banks UBS AG and Credit Suisse Group and the U.S.-based American International Group Inc. The raids…

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