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Replacing Human Reserves

Now, you could view the efforts of companies like BP, Shell, Chevron and ConocoPhillips to branch out into wind, solar and biofuels as the early stages of diversification into the types of energy that must someday replace oil & gas,…


Genocide in Darfur — No business with death

The genocide in Darfur relies mainly on the income of the Sudanese government from the oil industry. Involved are also Swiss financial institutions such as UBS or Credit Suisse which in total hold around 6 billion US dollars worth of…


Gap launches inquiry into child labour claims

The high street clothing chain Gap has called an emergency meeting with suppliers to investigate new allegations of forced child labour being used in the manufacture of their clothes. Gap has barred thousands of clothes in transit to their shops…


Wal-Mart Tax Evasion Strategies Revealed in Court Documents

Corporations don't usually like to reveal how they evade taxes, but a lawsuit by the state of North Carolina over Wal-Mart's tax practices has produced the detailed game plan for how the company has manipulated the law to cut their…


Wal-Mart & Microsoft’s new cleantech deals

Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) today both announced progressive new clean technology programs at the Cleantech Forum in Toronto. In front of a room of 400 investors, government representatives and other executives, the two companies separately described projects…


Ranking Ethique Covalence 3ème trimestre 2007

La société genevoise Covalence publie aujourd’hui son ranking trimestriel de réputation éthique, qui classe les entreprises enregistrant le meilleur score et celles ayant le plus progressé au cours du troisième trimestre 2007. Un aperà§u des thèmes chauds est donné. Les…

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