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Covalence Ethical Ranking 3rd Quarter 2007

Geneva-based Covalence is publishing today its quarterly ethical reputation ranking, giving the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress in the third quarter of 2007. An overview of hot issues across sectors is…


PepsiCo, Kohl’s Among Cos. Honored for Green Power Purchases

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Monday honored 17 companies that combined buy nearly 4 billion kilowatt hours of green power each year. The Green Power Purchasing Leaders already are Green Power Partners that commit to buying renewable power such…


Niger: l’uranium, une bénédiction ou une malédiction?

Tandis que la demande mondiale en énergie nucléaire grimpe, les vastes réserves d’uranium du Niger gérées par AREVA, multinationale franà§aise et géant mondial de l’exploitation minière, ne sont pas un atout pour la population du pays, à  en croire les…


Caffeine Fuels “Unhealthy Pick-me-up” in Energy Drinks

Some carbonated sodas and energy drinks are loaded with caffeine and can give an unhealthy pick-me-up to unsuspecting consumers, University of Florida researchers warn. Because caffeine can pose health risks for people with certain medical conditions, beverages containing the additive…


Chevron fined in Kazakh oil row

Chevron's Kazakh venture was fined 37 billion tenge ($307 million) on a government claim that the oil company damaged the environment by maintaining "excessive" stockpiles of sulfur from petroleum production, a Kazakh regional court official said Monday. The court accepted…


Sara Lee steps up sustainable coffee sourcing

Sara Lee is to double the amount of sustainable coffee used in its brands to 20,000 tonnes, a move the company says will make it the market leader in the category. Yesterday's announcement comes as a growing number of coffee…


BP and Chevron Go Virtual and Green

What do Chevron and BP have in common, besides being leading members of Big Oil? Computer games, apparently. Yesterday, the New York Times reported on BP's latest rebranding move–a "collaboration" with Electronic Arts on the video game company's latest version…

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