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Politik mit dem Einkaufswagen

Eine gegenseitige Durchdringung von Zivilgesellschaft und Markt manifestiert sich in der Politisierung des Konsums und der Selbstinszenierung von Unternehmen als sozial verantwortliche Bà¼rger. Dies wirft grundlegende Fragen zur Neubestimmung von Bà¼rgerschaftskonzepten und zur Erweiterung des Handlungsrepertoires von Protestakteuren in spà¤tmodernen…


Nissan Open Eco-Friendly Engineering Center

Feeling the pressure of competition from the notably green automobile giants like Toyota, Honda and Volkswagen, Nissan is ramping up its sustainability efforts. Today's official opening of Nissan's new Engineering Center in Atsugi City, Japan is part of the automaker's…


StatoilHydro head quits on probe

The head of newly-created StatoilHydro has resigned amid a probe into possible corruption over contracts in Libya. Eivind Reiten, who is also the head of Norsk Hydro, said he had to step down to avoid a conflict of interest. The…


Tesco’s Eco Love Affair With Designer Sours

LONDON - Every business likes a bit of eco-friendliness to improve its public image, particularly if it comes with a celebrity endorsement. But British supermarket chain Tesco's public spat with ethical clothing designer Katharine Hamnett--famous for her 1980s sloganeering T-shirts…


Teck de Birmanie : le bois du scandale

Acheter du teck de Birmanie, c’est acheter des armes pour opprimer davantage le peuple birman. Le lien entre commerce du bois et le renforcement du pouvoir militaire est clair et parfaitement documenté. La violente répression des manifestations pacifistes doit pousser…


High Level Conference on Business and Biodiversity

High Level Conference on Business & Biodiversity. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. 12,13 November 2007. Lisbon Portugal.In 2000, in Lisbon, the EU Heads of State and Government agreed to make the EU "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-driven economy by 2010". In…

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