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Net rebond au mois d’aoà»tNet rebond au mois d’aoà»t

Dans l’actualité Environnement, Social, Gouvernance (ESG) du mois d’aoà»t, les sociétés suisses ont affiché une majorité d’informations positives (66%), ce qui n’était pas arrivé depuis belle lurette, alors que le benchmark international n’affichait que 44%. Roche a tiré son épingle…


Report on the World’s First Certified-Responsible Oil Development Site

Earlier this week, Equitable Origin issued the world's first certification for socially and environmentally responsible practices by an oil production operation. The certified site, located in Colombia and operated by Pacific Rubiales Energy, achieved certification by demonstrating adherence to the…


ESG News Review 30 August – 5 September 2014

Tesla Motors was among the most praised companies last week as it chose Nevada for its planned "gigafactory," which should produce batteries to power 500,000 of the company's electric cars annually and lower the costs of these cars; 6,500 on-site…


ESG News Review 23 — 29 August 2014

Nestlé appeared among the most praised companies last week as Nespresso launched its 2020 Sustainability ambition, The Positive Cup, and the Nespresso Sustainable Development Fund, a strategy based on a CHF 500 million investment aiming at improving farmer welfare and…


Le marché suisse pénalisé en juillet

La majorité des sociétés composant les indices BBGI-Ethical- Quote 20, 40 et 60 affichaient une majorité d’informations positives sur le front Environnement, Social, Gouvernance (ESG) en juillet. Ce fut ainsi le cas d’ABB (collaboration avec Volvo pour le développement du…


ESG News Review 21 — 27 June 2014

Toyota appeared among the most praised companies last week, as it unveiled its first mass-market fuel-cell car, which is due to go on sale in Japan by end-March next year. Ford ranked No. 1 on Interbrand’s 2014 list of the…


ESG News Review 14 — 20 June 2014

Walmart was among the most praised companies last week as it announced it will triple its spending on food safety in China to 300 million yuan; in addition, the company has been named in a Ceres report showing how firms…

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