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L’indice «20» a progressé de 2,9%

Plusieurs sociétés ont vu leur score Environnement, Social, Gouvernance progresser durant le mois de mai. C’est ainsi le cas d’Adecco, qui continue d’agir et de communiquer sur le front de l’emploi des jeunes, avec notamment la mise en place de…


ESG News Review 31 May – 6 June 2014

Ford was among the most praised companies last week, as it unveiled its Lightweight Concept vehicle, which uses advanced materials to explore weight-reduction solutions that could improve performance and fuel efficiency while reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Johnson Controls supports the…


ESG News Review 24 — 30 May 2014

Nestlé was among the most praised companies last week as it is supporting a new strategy organized by the World Cocoa Foundation to promote sustainability in the cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana; the plan, named ‘CocoaAction’, will…


ESG News Review 17 — 23 May 2014

Dell was among the most praised companies last week, as it announced new sustainability initiatives among which carbon-negative packaging, through a partnership with Newlight Technologies, inventor and manufacturer of AirCarbon. Walmart is collaborating with Kellogg Company to support the livelihoods…


Les banques et pharmas ont été à  la peine le mois dernier

Les indices BBGI-EthicalQuote composés de 20, 40 et 60 titres, calculés en total return, ont une nouvelle fois surperformé les indices de la bourse suisse, en progressant respectivement de +1,81%, +1,84% et +1,91%. Notons pour finir que depuis 1999, les…


ESG News Review 10 — 16 May 2014

Dell appeared among the most praised companies last week, as several sources including The Guardian’s Sustainability case studies highlighted its objectives for 2020, including waste-free packaging, reducing its operational carbon footprint by 50% and cutting the energy intensity of its…


ESG News Review 3 — 9 May 2014

GDF Suez and Areva appeared among the most praised companies last week as they have been selected by the French government to install and operate two 500 megawatt offshore wind farms, according to Reuters, which will create 2000 jobs. Avery…


ESG News Review 26 April – 2 May 2014

Wal-Mart and General Mills were among the most praised companies last week as both companies announced a commitment to accelerate innovation in sustainable agriculture and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in collaboration with Field to Market, a nonprofit organization dedicated to…


Indices 20 et 40: hausse de 5,2% au Q1

Le mois dernier, les stratégies BBGI-EthicalQuote composées de 20, 40 et 60 titres ont ainsi toutes trois surperformé les indices traditionnels du marché suisse (enregistrant +0.62%, +1.05% et +1.18% respectivement). (...) Dans l’actualité Environnement, Social, Gouvernance (ESG) du mois de…


ESG News Review 5 – 11 April 2014

Baxter International appeared among the most praised companies last week, as it was recognized for safety performance in China when it received the Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development District’s (GETDD) 2013 Excellent Safety Culture Company Award for dedication to creating…

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