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ESG News Review 29 March – 4 April 2014

Facebook was among the most praised companies last week as it has made significant progress in adopting renewable energy sources to power its web services, according to a report published by Greenpeace which also salutes Google and Apple. Volkswagen plans…


ESG News Review 22 — 28 March 2014

Suez Environnement was among the most praised companies last week, as it announced it will build an incinerator near Shanghai to treat hazardous and medical waste that will generate steam and supply energy. SAP AG announced it will power all…


ESG News Review 15 — 21 March 2014

First Solar was among the most praised companies last week as it signed a power purchase agreement with Shams Ma’an Power Generation for a planned 52.5 megawatt solar power plant in Jordan. PepsiCo said it is rolling out a new…


ESG News Review 8 — 14 March 2014

Toyota was among the most praised companies last week as it announced a wage increase for its Japan-based workers, responding to calls from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Nestlé published a new report describing its efforts to meet commitments in…


Nouvelle hausse des indices éthiques

Les indices traditionnels des actions suisses s’affichent ainsi en nette hausse sur le mois (+3.47% SMI, +4.21% SPI), tandis que les stratégies BBGI-EthicalQuote composées de 20, 40 et 60 titres enregistraient respectivement +4.11%, +4.62% et +3.94%. Depuis 1999, les indices…


Homophobie en Ouganda: Orange arràªte sa publicité dans Red Pepper

Le géant franà§ais des télécom, Orange, vient d'annoncer qu'il cessait ses campagnes de publicité dans le tabloà¯d ougandais Red Pepper. Celui-ci a publié fin février une liste de 200 personnes prétendument homosexuelles. Cette publication est intervenue au lendemain de la…


ESG News Review 1 — 7 March 2014

Ecolab appeared among the most praised companies last week after it received a 2014 Climate Leadership Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for achieving aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) announced they…


ESG News Review 22 — 28 February 2014

General Electric belongs to the group of most praised companies last week as it announced a $10 billion investment in clean technology as part of its "ecomagination" initiative, according to Reuters. Ericsson has been recognized for "Connecting the Unconnected" by…

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