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ESG News Review 15 — 21 February 2014

General Motors appeared among the most praised companies last week, as it co-founded The Natural Capital Business Hub, while its Foundation received a Corporate Leadership Award from the National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation. Renault signed an agreement with the…


How Gap’s Minimum Wage Pledge Is Already Paying Off

Gap Inc. CEO Glenn Murphy shook up the retail world this week by announcing that the retailer would voluntarily raise its corporate-wide minimum wage to $9 this year and to $10 in 2015. Explaining the decision to employees and the…


Le marché suisse tire son épingle du jeu

Parmi les entreprises ayant tiré leur épingle du jeu dans l’actualité Environnement, Social, Gouvernance (ESG) du mois de janvier figure ABB, qui a reà§u le Prix de l’énergie aux Emirats Arabes Unis, récompensant ses innovations dans les domaines des énergies…


ESG News Review 1 — 7 February 2014

General Motors was among the most praised companies last year, as its Opel unit has agreed to extend by two years a guarantee that workers at three German plants won't face job cuts. AT&T announced plans to commit $100 million…


Finance durable: interview de Bertrand Gacon et Antoine Mach

Frédéric Ruiz (ISFB): Finance durable, finance d'impact, finance socialement responsable: de quoi parle-t-on ? Il existe en effet plusieurs terminologies dans le domaine de la finance durable que les spécialistes du secteur utilisent pour distinguer certaines variations dans les motivations,…


ESG News Review 25 — 31 January 2014

Nissan appeared among the most praised companies last week, and so did FedEx. These two companies announced they would begin testing a 100 percent electric compact cargo vehicle. Costco Wholesale was praised by President Obama for “taking the leadership to…


ESG News Review 18 — 24 January 2014

Boeing was among the most praised companies last week as it announced a partnership with Abu Dhabi's state-owned carrier Etihad Airways and French energy firm Total to develop biofuels. Boeing, with other members of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group,…


+26% en 2013 pour les actions éthiques

Dans ce contexte de croissance, les stratégies éthiques BBGI-EthicalQuote ne sont pas en reste, surperformant à  la fois en décembre et en 2013. En décembre, les stratégies 20, 40 et 60 enregistrent +0,08%, +0,88% et +0,89% contre -0,74% et -0,37%…

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