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ESG News Review 11 — 17 January 2014

Alstom appeared among the most praised companies last week, as it announced it would cease engaging sales consultants to ensure it “conducts business in a responsible way and strives to achieve the highest ethical standards”. Alstom is also calling for…


ESG News Review 4 — 10 January 2014

The Automobile industry ranked first in our 2013 review (see this exclusive for GreenBiz). The trend seems to continue in 2014. Toyota was among the most praised companies last week, as it announced that it plans to start selling electric…


Controversy Damages Ratings

In this interview for Dukascopy TV, Covalence EthicalQuote's Antoine Mach discusses some of last year's results in terms of winning and losing industries. He also talks about the future of the Swiss financial center and the work undertaken by Sustainable…


Exclusive: Inside McDonald’s quest for sustainable beef

Today, McDonald’s announces that it will begin purchasing verified sustainable beef in 2016, the first step on a quest to purchase sustainable beef for all of its burgers worldwide. Behind McDonald’s lofty ambitions is a complex story that has been…


Solides face aux prises de bénéfices

Les indices SMI et SPI affichent en effet une progression de +21.13% et +25.07% depuis janvier, tandis que les indices BBGI-EthicalQuote composés de 20, 40 et 60 titres affichent +22.03%, +25.37% et +25.09% TR.Tous les indices surperforment donc l’indice SMI,…


ESG News Review 30 November – 6 December 2013

Vermilion Energy was among the most praised companies last week because they won  The 2013 Circular Economy Award for Industrial and Regional Ecology in France, an award that honors companies that reduce, recycle and reuse materials and resources throughout the…


ESG News Review 23-29 November 2013

Mediaset was among the most criticized companies last week, as its founder Silvio Berlusconi was expelled from the Italian Senate after he was found guilty for masterminding a complex and illegal system to lower the taxes for his media group…

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