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ESG News Review 24 — 30 August 2013

Wal-Mart has been the most praised company last week as it opened-up healthcare benefits to employees’ same-sex partners, which The Newsweek/Daily Beast’s Daniel Gross describes as a "corporate shift". Nissan and Ford also received positive coverage for creating jobs in…


ESG News Review 17 — 23 August 2013

Staples Inc. was the most praised company last week after announcing that it recycled 350 million ink and toner cartridges since 2005. Another retailer, Wal-Mart, also received mostly positive coverage for its "made-in-America" campaign promoting the creation of more manufacturing…


Jusqu’à  +7,2% en moyenne par année

Durant le mois de juillet, la réputation des entreprises suisses en Environnement, Social, Gouvernance (ESG) a bénéficié d’opinions majoritairement favorables en provenance d’Espagne et de France, alors que les USA, l’Australie, l’Allemagne et la Belgique se montraient plus critiques. Parmi…


ESG News Review 10 — 16 August 2013

Toyota was the most praised company last week thanks to initiatives such as the donation of business expertise to non-profits, environmental education and scholarship programs. On the other hand, Ryanair was the most criticized company, after it fired a pilot…


ESG News Review 3 — 9 August 2013

Tokyo Electric Power Co. was the most criticized company last week, after Japan’s Prime Minister called for an "urgent battle to stop radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant leaking into the ocean" (Sky News). JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs,…


ESG News Review 13 — 20 July 2013

GlaxoSmithKline continued to be the most criticized company last week, as Chinese officials pursued their investigation into the suspected "economic crimes" of executives, including bribery. This affair occupies a large portion of the summer media space. On the other hand,…


Tech Companies Issue Loud Call For Surveillance Transparency

Apple, Google, Microsoft and a broad coalition of major tech companies are making a loud call for greater government disclosure of digital communications monitoring. In a letter out today, an alliance of 63 companies and groups are calling for dramatically…


Volume conséquent d’information ESG

Le mois du juin a connu un gros volume d’information ESG (Environnement, Social, Gouvernance), comparé au mois précédent (+20%). Alors qu’elle était supérieure en mai, la réputation éthique agrégée des entreprises suisses a obtenu un moins bon résultat que celle…


ESG News Review 6 — 12 July 2013

GlaxoSmithKline has been the most criticized company last week, as some of its executives in China confessed to "bribery and tax violations". Microsoft also received substantial negative coverage after The Guardian revealed the company "has collaborated closely with U.S. intelligence…

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