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Study finds dramatic rise in sustainability reporting

Sustainability reporting is becoming more popular among publicly-traded companies, according to an analysis from New York-based Governance & Accountability Institute.  In 2011, 53% of S&P 500 companies reported on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts, up from just 19%…


Rendements annualisés supérieurs à  6%

Novembre a été marqué par un léger relà¢chement de la pression sur la réputation éthique des entreprises suisses: elles affichaient en effet un ratio de 43% d’informations positives (57% de négatives), contre 41% en octobre. Cela demeure toutefois inférieur au…


Unilever and L’Oréal lead in increasing climate transparency

Despite an uptick in business activity -- which might be expected to result in higher emissions -- some of the world's top-earning companies are managing to reduce their carbon footprints, according to a new report. Five of the six highest-ranked…


Google, Microsoft launch charity efforts

Google and Microsoft each unveiled new charitable initiatives Tuesday, in separate efforts which channel millions of dollars to innovators tackling social ills. Google launched its Global Impact Awards program with a first round of funding allocating a total of $23…


Le marché salue les efforts des sociétés

Les marchés actions ont à  nouveau progressé en octobre et ainsi amélioré encore de quelques points leur performance depuis le début de l’année. Les risques conjoncturels seront toutefois toujours présents dans notre pays jusqu’à  la fin de l’année, à  en…


UPS Halts Boy Scouts Donations Over Anti-Gay Policy

More bad news for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), as a major donor has announced plans to sever funding to the organization on account of a controversial anti-gay policy. The United Parcel Service (UPS), Inc. will soon adopt a…

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