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La note éthique des banques en baisse

Juillet s’est avéré difficile sur le plan éthique pour les entreprises suisses, qui ont eu moins d’occasions d’afficher leurs contributions positives, la saison de publication des rapports de développement durable touchant à  sa fin, alors que les deux grandes banques…


Gibson Guitar settlement strikes chord with wood companies

Although it has the CEO of the iconic guitar maker Gibson Guitar Corp. singing the blues, a U.S. law aimed at limiting deforestation has attracted calls for strict enforcement from other affected companies. The Lacey Act, a 112-year-old import restrictions…


Pharma Reputations: Managing Perceptions

Geneva-based Covalence, a company that markets the information system, EthicalQuote, has observed that pharma is not keeping pace with other industries in terms of the overall balance of global good and bad news coverage in four broad ethical areas: labour…


HSBC chairman vows to put ethics at heart of sales

In the wake of furore over terrorist links and money laundering controls failings that have cast a cloud over banking group HSBC, its chairman has vowed to change the way business is done by reducing complexity and implementing a more…


GlaxoSmithKline allegedly bribing Polish doctors

Prosecutors and the Polish Anti-Corruption Bureau are investigating reports that UK-based pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline allegedly bribed doctors in Poland to prescribe their drugs ahead of other manufacturers.“We believe that doctors took a form of bribes from representatives of the company…


Unilever teams up with Unicef and Domestos for charity initiative

Unilever has teamed up with Unicef and Domestos on a major charitable initiative that aims to help bring improved sanitation to hundreds of thousands of people in poorer countries. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an increasingly heated battleground between…


Microsoft soupà§onné de fraude fiscale en France

Le géant américain des logiciels Microsoft, dont la filiale franà§aise a été l'objet d'un contrôle fiscal le 28 juin, est soupà§onné par le ministère des finances de fraude fiscale en France, selon Le Canard enchaà®né à  paraà®tre mercredi 4 juillet…


ITIE-RDC : les entreprises chinoises font de la résistance

Très attachés à  la bonne gouvernance, le tandem Kabila et Matata met les bouchées double pour qu'à  la prochaine validation des pays membres par l'ITIE Internationale, la RD-Congo obtienne le statut de « pays conforme » à  l'ITIE au 1er…

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