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SGS unveils new sustainability service for Indian textiles

Once carbon footprints have been evaluated, SGS provides three different carbon footprint marks. With transparency a key principle, the first step a business can take is to demonstrate its social responsibility by displaying the footprint of any given product through…


BNP / évasion fiscale : Le Monde minimise

La banque BNP Paribas, qui publiait ses comptes vendredi, était à  l’honneur de la presse, pour...son art de l’évasion fiscale. La raison de ce pointage du doigt ? Un article publié le matin dans Libération qui revenait sur un produit…


Can McDonald’s lead in green?

McDonald's Corp. (NYSE: MCD) is finally sowing deeper green roots. The Oak Brook, Ill-based company over the last several years has launched a wide variety of environmental policies and programs; everything from reusing air conditioning condensation to water company plants…


Wal-Mart creates anti-bribery post

Wal-Mart says it's creating a position to oversee compliance with US anti-corruption law after reports of possible bribery in Mexico. The company said the worldwide post would oversee compliance with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and would work with…


The Man Who Stood Up To Apple

Apple has recently made changes to its policies of withholding any information about the environmental impact of its factories in China. That’s largely thanks to Ma Jun, who this week won the Goldman environmental prize for his work. As the…


Boss of Glencore denies profiting from child labour

Glencore chief executive Ivan Glasenberg has denied the commodities giant profits from using child labour. A BBC Panorama programme will tonight claim children as young as 10 are working in the Tilwezembe concession in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Glencore…


Heineken plans to build hospitals in Haiti

Heineken, the world’s third biggest brewery, is hatching plans to build hospitals and schools in crisis-torn Haiti. The move demonstrates the growing role of the private sector, particularly the consumer goods industry, in taking on public sector roles in poorer…

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