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3 companies responsible for child lead poisoning

SHANGHAI - Three companies were responsible for an incident last year in which dozens of children developed lead poisoning, according to a report by the municipal government. In late September, 49 children, mainly between the ages of one and three,…


Mitsubishi Motors discloses plans for electric, hybrid cars

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (Mitsubishi Motors), a major Japanese automaker, has announced its future plans for the development of electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid vehicles to address the ever-growing concern of the massive carbon footprint left by contemporary vehicles which depend…


UK consumers go bananas for Fairtrade

Sales of fairly traded products have bucked the trend of decline in the UK retail market to grow by 12% in the last year. The value of Fairtrade products sold through shops reached £1.32bn in 2011, compared to £1.17bn in…


How Earth-Friendly Is Your Smartphone? AT&T Wants to Know

How “green” is your smartphone? AT&T’s new program will rate the environmental impact of devices in its portfolio. The Eco-Rating program will launch later this year, and the rating will be noted on the packaging of each AT&T device. In…


Apple plans environmental audits of China suppliers

Apple has told prominent environmental activists in the U.S. and China that it will soon allow independent environmental reviews of at least two suppliers' factories in China, the activists said. The reviews come as Apple (AAPL) faces rising criticism about…


Phone firm takes tough stance on ‘conflict minerals’

Nokia recently raised its voice on the issue of conflict minerals by publishing a policy that spells out its stand. The Finnish phone maker joins other consumer electronics companies in the corporate responsibility of avoiding conflict minerals in their supply…


Investors demand more corporate action on energy efficiency

A group of nearly 100 leading pension funds, asset managers, banks and other institutional investors have today written to the chief executives of the world's largest 415 public companies urging them to accelerate efforts to deploy cost-effective emission reduction measures…


Vainqueurs et vaincus du Mining Indaba 2012

La quasi totalité du gotha minier mondial était-là  les 6-7-8-9 février 2012. Dans ce Davos minier, difficile d’imaginer que les décideurs réunis au Cap, comme chaque année depuis 18 ans, étaient en guerre. Une guerre économique feutrée. Car au-delà  des…

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