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Le PAM s’approvisionne largement auprès de Glencore

Le numéro 1 du négoce de matière première, Glencore, est aussi le premier fournisseur de blé du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM). Oubliées les bonnes intentions du PAM de se fournir sur les marchés locaux et auprès de petits paysans. The…


Apple hit by boycott call over worker abuses in China

Apple, the computer giant whose sleek products have become a mainstay of modern life, is dealing with a public relations disaster and the threat of calls for a boycott of its iPhones and iPads. The company's public image took a…


Les Guitares Gibson ont trop saigné le bois malgache

Une chanteuse malgache accuse le légendaire fabriquant de guitares américain d'utiliser du bois abbatu illégalement à  Madagascar. Razia Saà¯d, chanteuse malgache, se bat contre le fabriquant américain de guitares Gibson, épaulée par l'ONG Friends of the Earth. Le 19 janvier dernier,…


BBGI-EthicalQuote Swiss Equities Indices

The BBGI-EthicalQuote Swiss Equities Indices show that it is possible to outperform the Swiss Market Index (SMI) and the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) while integrating ESG criteria. After a particularly difficult year for the majority of investors, BBGI Group SA…


Sainsbury’s launches responsible drinking campaign

Sainsbury's has launched a campaign to help consumers to better understand the importance of responsible drinking. Run in partnership with Drinkaware, Diageo and Heineken, the campaign will emphasise the importance of managing alcohol intake and encourage customers to develop a…


Facebook and Greenpeace end feud over renewable energy

Social network megalith Facebook has announced it will work with Greenpeace to promote clean energy ending a feud between the two. Facebook announced today (December 15) it will collaborate on the promotion of renewable energy, encourage major utilities to develop…

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