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Undue Diligence: How banks do business with corrupt regimes

Global Witness' new report Undue Diligence names some of the major banks who have done business with corrupt regimes. By accepting these customers, banks are assisting those who are using state assets to enrich themselves or brutalise their own people…


The ethics of banking (and the balance of media)

A fresh writedown for UBS. An ethical writedown, that is. The below chart compiled by Covalance - an ethical research outfit. As you’ll notice, UBS - generally a poorly behaved child - has been very naughty since mid-April. (...) HSBC,…


Global Compact Survey

In 2006 and 2007, UNI Finance conducted a survey on finance companies' commitments to Principle 3 of the UN Global Compact, "Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining". 35 major…

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