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Companies call for ‘credible’ climate action

A group of 500 global businesses, including dozens of Australian corporations, have called for "credible" action on climate change. The publication of the so-called Copenhagen Communique comes two months before the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen in December, amid…


The Junk-Food Trap: An International Epidemic

I steadfastly write about one of my major pet peeves: marketing junk food to children who are extraordinarily susceptible to the health-hazardous messages companies download into their brains. It’s not a purely American phenomenon. A new investigation by Consumers International…


Would you vote Pepsi or Coca-Cola?

At times it feels the Democratic Convention operates a little bit like a big events company. Witness for instance, the press release they sent out on August 14, announcing the fact that Coca-Cola has been "Named Official Recycling Provider of…

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