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Boss of Glencore denies profiting from child labour

Glencore chief executive Ivan Glasenberg has denied the commodities giant profits from using child labour. A BBC Panorama programme will tonight claim children as young as 10 are working in the Tilwezembe concession in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Glencore…


Le PAM s’approvisionne largement auprès de Glencore

Le numéro 1 du négoce de matière première, Glencore, est aussi le premier fournisseur de blé du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM). Oubliées les bonnes intentions du PAM de se fournir sur les marchés locaux et auprès de petits paysans. The…


DRC’s Gecamines to audit all JVs, revive exports

Democratic Republic of Congo's State-owned mining company Gecamines will invest $930-million in a bid to re-establish itself as a major copper and cobalt producer, and will launch audits of its existing joint ventures to help raise the cash, the company…

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